On this page you will find iti fitter question paper short answer type from iti fitter subject book Marking And Marking Tools Chapter of iti fitter trade. Contains Questions and Answer for iti fitter course , iti fitter students and designed carefully so that the knowledge of students be enhanced so that it can prove useful during competitive exams and iti jobs interview.
ITI Fitter Question Paper Short Answer Type Questions From Iti Fitter Subject Book Marking And Marking Tools Chapter
Iti Fitter Question Paper Short Answer From iti fitter subject book Marking And Marking Tools chapter before you start know what is a marking media? Because the most important step in the marking of a machine part and in a particular fitting operation is the marking or layout of guidelines on the metal before machining or cutting by hand tools.
Know What is a Marking Media? Before Iti Fitter Question Paper Short Answer Type
Marking media is substance which is found in the form of powder or crystals or solution. It is applied on the surface to be marked to make visible the scribed lines clearly.
Next we will see ITI Fitter Question Paper Short Answer Type from Marking And Marking Tools chapter.
Short Answer Type Iti Fitter Question Paper – Iti Fitter Subject Book Marking And Marking Tools Chapter
Q. 1. Name any four kinds of marking media?
Q. 2. What is the use of a trammel?
Q. 3. What is the purpose of marking?
Q. 4. What material is marking plate made of?
Q. 5. How is aluminium workpiece marked?
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Q. 6. What material is surface plate made of?
Q. 7. Name different methods of marking the centre of round rod end.
Q. 8. Cast iron is used for manufacturing of surface plate. Write advantages of using cast iron?
Q. 9. What is the standard temperature at which standard measurement are taken?
Q. 10. What is the major point of difference between marking and surface plate?
Q. 11. What are the additional features of a universal surface gauge?
Q. 12. What is meant by measurement?
Q. 13. A groove is made in the front end of the base in the universal surface gauge why?
Q. 14. What is the purpose of spirit level attached to the protractor head of combination set?
Q. 15. What are the good qualities of a measuring tool ?
Q. 16. Why is Prussian blue put on the surface plate and not on the surface of the job?
Q. 17. Explain the features of granite surface plate?
Q. 18. Explain common uses of ‘V’ block?
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