Fitter Theory Short Answer Type Questions From Hand Tools Chapter

On this page you will find Fitter Theory Short Answer Type Questions From HAND TOOLS CHAPTER of iti fitter trade. Contains Questions and Answer for iti fitter course , iti fitter students and designed carefully so that the knowledge of students be enhanced so that it can prove useful during competitive exams and iti jobs interview.

Fitter Theory Questions And Answers From Hand Tools Chapter

Fitter Theory Short Answer Type Questions From Hand Tools Chapter,

Fitter Theory Short Answer Type Questions From Hand Tools Chapter before you start know Why Hand Tools is essential?

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Before Fitter Theory Short Answer Type Questions from Hand Tools chapter, know why Hand Tools is essential

Hand tool are essentials specially for some operation in a workshops. Operations such as sawings, fillings, polishings, chippings, tapping and threading must be mastered by a fitter man. Skill in the use of hand tools can only be acquired through patience and practices there is no easy way. Hand tool must be used with due care. This will keep tool in safe and good working condition.

Next we will see Fitter Theory Short Answer Type Questions From Hand Tools Chapter

Fitter Theory Short Answer Type Questions – Tools Chapter

Q. 1. What material the jaws of a vice are made of?

Ans. Grey cast iron.

Q. 2. What are the materials used for the manufacture of hammers?

Ans. Hammers are made from High carbon steel. The other materials used for making hammers are copper, brass, aluminium, lead, raw hide, rubber, plastic and fibre Hammer with hard wood head is called mallet.

Q. 3. Usually the hammer handle is made of wood, Why?

Ans. To give slight springy action and to absorb shocks.

Q. 4. Why is the eye hole of hammer head tapered from each end towards middle and eliptical?


  • The eye hole of hammer head is tapered from each end towards the middle because it accommodates the handle and a wedge preventing from flying off.
  • The eye hole of hammer head is made eliptical to avoid rotation of hammer handle.

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Q. 5. What indicates the size of a screwdriver?

Ans. Length of the shank.

Q. 6. What is a parallel block?

Ans. It is solid rectangular block machined accurately on all sides which is ground and lapped to standard width and thickness. It is generally used for setting up the job to the required height quickly while milling, shaping etc.

Q. 7. What is the major different between an adjustable wrench and a monkey wrench?

Ans. An adjustable wrench differs from a monkey wrench in that the opening of this wrench is not as much as that of a monkey wrench but has a stronger grip.

Q. 8. What is a parallel clamp?

Ans. It is also called a Tool Maker’s Clamp. It consists of two jaws which are opened and closed by means of two screws. It is generally used for holding small job

Q. 9. How will you adjust the height of a bench vice?

Ans. By using wooden platform or wooden packing piece under the base of the vice.

Q. 10. What is the function of a vice?

Ans. A vice is a holding device which is used to hold or grip workpiece while filing, chipping or any other bench work or while machining or drilling them.

Q. 11. The movable jaw of a leg vice has oval shaped hole, why?

Ans. To provide sufficient space for curvature moment of the movable jaw.

Q. 12. Why bench vice is called as a parallel jaw vice?

Ans. Bench vice is called as parallel jaw vice because bench vice movable jaw moves parallel to the fixed jaw.

Q. 13. What is a ‘C’ Clamp?

Ans. It is manufactured in ‘C’ letter shape. It consists of a frame and a screw. It is generally found in grades such as heavy duty, general service and light duty. Its frame is generally made from cast iron or cast steel and screw from mild steel. It is generally used to grip the jobs while marking, drilling, soldering, brazing etc. Its size is taken from the maximum capacity which can be allowed in the gap.


Q. 14. Name the screw used for fixing the vice jaw plates?

Ans. Countersink head screws.

Q. 15. What material the box nut of a bench vice are made of?

Ans. Phosphorus bronze.

Q. 16. What indicates the size of a bench vice?

Ans. Width of the bench vice jaw.

Q. 17. Why are square screw threads preferred on a vice spindle?

Ans. because they can take more load without being damaged.

Q. 18. Why are the jaw plates of a bench vice serrated?

Ans. To get a good grip at the vice.


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Fitter Theory Short Answer Type Questions From Hand Tools Chapter