Iti fitter multiple choice questions safety chapter

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fitter shop 1000 questions-answers pdf download

1. An accident is 

A. Unplanned event

B. Non control event

C. Undesirable event

D. All of the above

Ans – D

2. The safe way of working is

A. A way of normal working

B. A way of handling the work in a hurry

C. An ancient way of working

D. An effective and right way of working 

Ans – D

3. In case of an accident, the injury personnel should immediately be

A. Left to himself without treatment

B. Attended to immediately

C. Enquired about the accident

D. Asked to take rest

Ans – B

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4. A hammer with loosely fitted handle will

A. Convey more leverage

B. Have easy swing

C. Absorb shock 

D. Fly away and cause accident 

Ans – D

5. Fire is a combination of 

A. Fuel, light and nitrogen

B. Fuel, heat and carbon dioxide

C. Fuel, heat and oxygen

D. Fuel, light and oxygen 

Ans – C

6. While grinding one must use

A. Mask

B. Dark glass screen

C. Sun goggles

D. Safety goggles 

fitter shop 1000 questions-answers pdf download

Ans – D

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Iti fitter multiple choice questions safety chapter