Iti fitter multiple choice questions sheet metal works chapter for iti job, iti fitter job, iti fitter govt job

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Iti fitter multiple choice questions paper with answers pdf sheet metal works chapter

Iti fitter multiple choice questions sheet metal  works chapter for iti job, iti fitter job, iti fitter govt job

Iti fitter multiple choice questions paper with answers pdf

Iti fitter multiple choice questions paper with answers pdf

1. Which among the following stakes provides a double ended support

A. Hatchet stake

B. Half moon stake

C. Creasing stake

D. Horse stake

2. Which one of the following stakes is used when shaping and seaming funnels and tapered articles

A. Hatchet stake

B. Half moon stake

C. Funnel stake

D. Creasing stake

3. Which one of the following notches is used when making a job with a 90° bend

A. Square notch

B. V notch

C. Wired notch

D. Slant notch

Iti fitter multiple choice questions paper with answers pdf for Iti jobs

Iti fitter multiple choice questions paper with answers pdf

4. Which among the following types of joints is used in which the end of sheet is placed over the end of another sheet and joined together

A. Lap joint

B. Butt joint

C. Knocked up joint

D. Grooved seam joint

5. Which among the following tools is used for flattening the metal around punched hole

A. Ball pane hammer

B. Riveting hammer

C. Settings hammer

D. Sledge hammer

Iti fitter multiple choice questions paper with answers pdf

6. Which among the following joints is suitable for roofing work

A. Lap joint

B. Butt joint

C. Hinged joint

D. Double grooved seam joint

7. Mallet is made of

A. Lead

B. Brass

C. Hard wood

D. Cast iron

8. Bent snip is used for

A. Removing the burr 

B. Making holes on the sheet

C. Bending the sheet

D. Cutting the sheet along curved lines

9. The thickness of sheet metal is indicated by a series of numbers, which is called as

A. Number size 

B. Gauge

C. Standard size  

D. None of the above

Iti fitter multiple choice questions paper with answers pdf

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Iti fitter multiple choice questions sheet metal works chapter for iti job, iti fitter job, iti fitter govt job